30 October 2017 - The Philippine Embassy in Beijing participated in the Embassy participated in the international charity bazaar "Love Knows No Borders - to Jointly Build the Healthy Home in Yunnan" hosted by the Madam Qian Wei, wife of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on 29 October 2017 at the Beijing Worker's Stadium.


Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Madame Qian Wei visits the Philippine booth at the bazaar


After the opening ceremony, Foreign Minister Wang Yi and his wife Madame Qian Wei graced each booth participating in the bazaar.

The Philippine Embassy participates in the annual bazaar and showcases Philippine products. This year, the Embassy sold various kinds of Philippine products including fans, photo frames, and other souvenir items, as well as tropical fruits and processed products, including pineapples, bananas, papaya, dried mangoes, bottled mango juices, and virgin coconut oil.


The Philippine booth



Locals and foreigners show interest in Philippine products


The charity sale, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is an annual event participated in by various diplomatic missions in Beijing and other international organizations. Proceeds of this year's bazaar will be used to help build healthy homes in Yunnan province. END.