Visa Appointment

Please secure an Online Appointment for Visa Application by scanning the QR code above.

Documents for 9(a-2) Tourist Visa

  1. Completely filled out visa application form with 3.3 cm x 4.8 cm photo (white background) of the applicant in decent attire
  2. Passport of the applicant
  3. Photocopy of the applicant’s national ID (for Mainland Chinese nationals)
  4. Photocopy of the passport information page
  5. Bank statement showing the transaction in the last six (6) months 
  6. Other proof of economic capability (any one of the following):
    1. Certificate of Employment (with the company letterhead, applicant’s position, salary amount, and the (printed) name and position of the HR manager, signature, and official seal);
    2. Personal property certification with English translation;
    3. Invitation letter from a reputable Philippine company or individual (enclosed with the photocopy of his/her passport or identity document issued by the government);
  7. Printout of a round-trip flight schedule (flight itinerary)
  8. Printout of the hotel booking
  9. Social Insurance Record Certificate with English translation, which must be registered for at least six (6) months at the time of the submission of the visa application, with following exceptions:
    1. Students currently enrolled in primary, secondary, or college education, must submit proof of enrollment with English translation; and
    2. Retired persons who are above 55 years old, must submit a Retirement Certificate with English translation.
  10. For minors under 15 years of age
    1. Copy of birth certificate with English translation and parents’ passport 
    2. If unaccompanied by a parent or not joining a parent - apply for Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG)



  1. 填写完成的签证申请表格并贴申请人正装(白底)尺寸3.3 cm x 4.8 cm的照片
  2. 请人的护照
  3. 请人的居民身份证复印件(仅限中国大陆公民)
  4. 护照信息页复印件
  5. 银行对账单,要求显示之前六(6)个月交易流水
  6. 其它经济能力证明(下列任意一)
    1. 工作证明(带公司抬头信笺、申请人的职位、工资数额、人事经理的姓名和职位(均需打印在信上)签字、盖公章)
    2. 个人财产证明并附英文翻译;
    3. 信誉良好的菲律宾公司或个人的邀请函 (附上其护照或政府颁发的其它证明文件的复印件);
  7. 往返机票行程单打印件
  8. 酒店订单打印件
  9. 社保记录证明及英文翻译,在提交签证申请时必须已登记满至少六个月以上以下情况除外:
    1. 目前就读小学、中学或大学的在校生,必须提供在校证明并附英文翻译;
    2. 55岁以上退休人员,必须提供退休证明并附英文翻译。
  10. 15岁以下儿童
    1. 出生证复印件及英文翻译以及父母护照复印件
    2. 如未由父母一方陪同或未与父母同行需申请《Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG)


Documents for 9(a-1) Business Visa

  1. Completely filled out visa application form with 3.3 cm x 4.8 cm photo (white background) of the applicant in decent attire
  2. Passport of the applicant
  3. Photocopy of the applicant’s national ID (for Mainland Chinese nationals)
  4. Photocopy of the passport information page
  5. Printout of a round-trip flight schedule (flight itinerary)
  6. Photocopy of the business license or registration of the inviting party
  7. Social Insurance Record Certificate with English translation.
  8. Dispatch letter from the Chinese employer with English translation (with company letterhead, the position of the applicant and the printed name and position of the signatory, and the official seal)
  9. Invitation letter from the inviting party addressed to the Philippine Embassy (with the printed name and position of the signatory and the official seal)
    1. If the inviting party is a government agency or an international organization, a letter of confirmation addressed to the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs is required, copy furnished to the Embassy
    2. If the inviting party is a Philippine-based company, the following attachments are also required:
      1. If the signatory is a Filipino national - Photocopy of the passport information page 
      2. If the signatory is not a Filipino national - Photocopy of the passport information page and valid visa



  1. 填写完成的签证申请表格并贴申请人正装(白底)尺寸3.3 cm x 4.8 cm的照片
  2. 请人的护照
  3. 请人的居民身份证复印件(仅限中国大陆公民)
  4. 护照信息页复印件
  5. 往返机票行程单打印件
  6. 中方单位派遣函并附英文翻译(带公司抬头信笺、申请人职位并打印签字人的姓名和职位并盖公章)
  7. 请方写给菲律宾驻华大使馆的确认信(打印签字人的姓名和职位并盖公章
    1. 如邀请方为政府机构或国际组织,需给菲律宾外交部发确认信并向使馆提供一份复印件
    2. 如邀请方是一家菲律宾的公司,需提供以下附件:
      1. 签字人是菲律宾公民提供其护照信息页复印件
      2. 签字人非菲律宾公民提供其护照信息页和有效签证页的复印件
  8. 请方的营业执照或注册登记证复印件一份
  9. 社保记录证明及英文翻译