Beijing— The Philippine Embassy successfully organized a lecture on “China’s Pollution and How it Affects the Environment” on 6 September 2017 at the Sentro Rizal which was attended by 40 participants from the Embassy and the Filipino community.

The topic was very relevant as China’s air pollution becomes extremely high causing harm to humans as well as the environment.

In his opening remarks, Philippine Ambassador Jose Santiago Sta. Romana emphasized the importance of being conscious of one’s health and wellness despite the busy work environment.

The resource speaker, Dr. Juan Paolo Bellosillo from the Philippines, who practices in the fields of wellness and integrative medicine, cancer prevention, integrated fitness and nutrition, anti-aging and weight management, presented some facts about China’s pollution and its harmful effects on individuals and the environment.

Dr. Bellosillo also shared possible solutions that may be done to minimize the effects of pollution through natural remedies, technologies, nutrition and exercise. He further provided tips on detoxification and discussed the health benefits of specific vegetables and beverages that act as natural detoxifiers.

The attendees had the opportunity to raise questions and concerns related to health and nutrition during the open forum.

The activity concluded with a simple salu-salo wherein participants exchanged insights and ideas on eating healthy and staying fit. END.


Participants learn tips on proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle



Ambassador Sta. Romana presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Dr. Bellosillo