The Philippine Embassy in Beijing recently hosted “Ni Hao, Philippines” (NHP) Hello Philippines, activities in three (3) different schools in Beijing’s Haidian District under the 2012-2013 Philippines-China Years of Friendly Exchanges (YFE).

The activities drew a total of 240 Chinese students from the  Primary School Attached to China Normal University (CNU) and Fifth Primary School of Yangfadian on 29 February 2012 and Beijing Haidian National Primary School on 01 March 2012. Their ages range from 8 to 12 years old.

While the NHP program has already been held five times, in Beijing and Shenyang, the Haidian activities marked the first time that the Embassy held it in three schools in Beijing.  

The children were given books, including “A selection of Folk Tales from the Philippines for the young Chinese Reader”.  Children watched an enactment of two (2) Filipino folk tales, danced to “Kamusta” and were taught to play ‘pahabaan’. China Radio International’s Filipino-speaking newscaster, Ms. Jade Xian, hosted the programme through which she shared her passion for the Philippines and imparted her deep knowledge of Philippine society and culture in Mandarin.
Liwayway (International) Co. Ltd., Filipino-owned company handed out Oishi snacks to the students.

Filipino students of Beijing University and other volunteers from the Filipino community also pitched in to interact with the Chinese schoolchildren.
The Embassy team was led by Mrs. Marla Chua, wife of CDA Alex G. Chua, and First Secretary and Consul Myca M. Fischer.

Haidian district is the second largest district (after Chaoyang district) of the urban municipality of Beijing, with a population of 2.24 million.  A suburban district that lies in the northwestern part of Beijing, Haidian is host to most of the city’s universities, hence has a young and upwardly mobile population.  

A report on this activity is also available on the CRI website, at


Philippine and Chinese flags decorate the school alley.


Mrs. Marla Chua  hands over  Philippine children’s books to the Principal
of the Primary School Attached to China Normal University (CNU) in Haidian. 


Chinese students from the Primary School Attached to China Normal University (CNU) in Haidian.


Children dancing “Kamusta” (Hello)


Game prizes and snacks from Liwayway (Int’l.) Co. Ltd. were given to the participants.



Students never cease to enjoy playing  the pahabaan ng linya.

