The Philippine Embassy in Beijing wishes to infrom all Filipinos in its jurisdiction that the resident Election Registration Board (RERB) of the Office for Overseas Voting will convene today19 September 2016 at 2:00 p.m. (Manila Time) at the Conference Room of the Executive Director, 7th Floor, Palacio de Gobernador, IntramurosManila, to hear the attached, list of overseas voters in Beijing and Mongoliawhose registration records will be deactivated for failure to vote in the 2013 and 2016 National Elections.
Any interested party who would like to interpose any object to the list may file their opposition in writing addressed to the RERB during the said hearing.
In case no objection has been filed, an Order of Deactivation will be issued by the RERB. All overseas voters whose registration records are ordered deactivated may file their applications for reactivation from 01 December 2016 to 31 October 2018  at the OFOV or any Philippine Embassy or Philippine Consulate General.