A N N O U N C E M E N T / R E M I N D E R



The Philippine Embassy in Beijing wishes to inform the Filipino community in China that the deadline for the submission of the nominations to the 2016 Presidential Awards for Filipino Individuals and Organizations Overseas is on 31 May 2016.

Pursuant to Executive Order No. 498 Institutionalizing the Presidential Awards, and to ensure due consideration of a broad base of deserving and outstanding individuals and organizations overseas, the Awards Committees at the Philippine Foreign Service Posts may accept and endorse, in accordance with existing requirements, nominations from those who choose to be nominated by themselves.

Furthermore, whenever appropriate or desirable, the Presidential Awards Secretariat may, motu proprio, submit for the consideration or reconsideration of the Awards Technical Committee and/or the Awards Executive Committee, as the case may be, the nomination of individuals or organizations lacking the formalities of nomination endorsement, and individuals or organizations whose nominations have previously been considered by the Awards Technical Committee and/or the Awards Executive Committee, provided that earlier non-inclusion among the Presidential Awardees was not due to any derogatory information against the nominee.

For more information regarding the Presidential Awards, you may reach the Awards Secretariat at tel. nos.: (632) 552-4700 locals 761-763, 765-767; fax no.: (632) 561-8160, or email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.